Business and finance

A Christmas, GCSE Business Studies style
A selection of resource to help you teach GCSE Business studies during the festive season.

36 Business Studies lesson ideas
36 ideas (starter, plenary and lesson included) fully aligned to the OCR Business Studies specification. Really great ideas that cut down on your preparation time, allowing you to build a full lesson in no time at all.
The idea is to provide you with a great lesson with the least preparation time possible, while giving great ideas to great teachers.
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business in 2017

GCSE Business studies definitions - marketing
GCSE business studies definitions.
Marketing section, one word per slide.

GCSE Business Studies definitions - finance
GCSE business studies definitions.
Finance section, one word per slide.

GCSE Business studies definitions - meeting customer needs
GCSE business studies definitions.
Meeting customer needs section, one word per slide.

GCSE Business studies definitions - people management
GCSE business studies definitions.
People management section, one word per slide.

GCSE Business studies definitions - wider world
GCSE business studies definitions.
Wider world section, one word per slide.

Wider World revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
Full session for GCSE Business Studies for Edexcel. Includes full worked exam question, activities and videos.

People Management revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
People Management revision lesson for GCSE Business Studies (EDEXCEL).
Includes video links, lesson, two worked answers.

Hex Game for GCSE Business studies (EDEXCEL questions)
Hex style game for GCSE Business Studies (EDEXCEL) with questions.

Spotting a business opportunity Revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
Full revision session for GCSE Business Studies for Edexcel. Includes multiple choice questions.

Spotting a business opportunity GCSE Business Studies Unit
Full unit of work created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
1.1 - Spotting a business opportunity
Contains the following lessons
Introduction to business
Types of business
Sole traders
Limited and Public Limited companies
Customer needs
Market mapping and analysing markets
Analysing Competitors
Adding Value

GCSE Business Studies - Types of organisation (Edexcel)
GCSE Business Studies exercise for types of organisation
Split into several groups. Students write down the advantages and disadvantages of each organisational type.
Students then share the results, and fill out the worksheet l5-Table-Types-of-business.docx

Abstraction Computing Lesson for KS3
Two different ways of teaching abstraction to a Key Stage 3 audience.
One way is by using logos and Photoshop (Abstraction and Logo Design).
The other included way is by creating a model in Microsoft Excel (Abstractionmodel).
Both very successful lessons to explain this important concept.

Putting a business idea into practice GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.3 - Putting a business idea
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Cash Flow
Financing a small buiness
The Business Plan

Showing Enterprise GCSE Business Studies Unit
Full unit of work created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
1.2 - Spotting a business opportunity
Enterprise and Entrepreneurs
Thinking Creatively
Invention and Innovation
Calculated Risks

Understanding the economic context GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.5 - Understanding the economic context
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Market demand and supply
Impact of changes in interest rates on small business
Impact of changes in exchange rates
How do business cycles affect small business
What effect do business decisions have on stakeholders

Making the start-up effective GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.4 - Making the start-up effective
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Customer focus
The marketing mix
The importance of limited liability
Start-up legal and tax issues
Effective on-time delivery and customer satisfaction
Recruiting, training and motivating staff